
"Firmweare para KII Pro S2/T2 modificado por Malaysk"

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Firmweare para KII Pro S2/T2 modificado por Malaysk
« en: 04 de Septiembre de 2019, 17:03:39 17:03 »

Estos FIRM de Malaysk, sirven para TODOS los KII pro
Version 5.0

Version 5.2 of May 30, 2017
1. The default picture in the display of pics in the DTV application is deleted. (You can set transparent picos)
2. The picture of the displayed picos is enlarged.
3. Replaced bootanimation.
4. Added what did Pily_W (for which many thanks to him) Boot with init.d support, root shell, more than 100 hid drivers SAMBA server, copy speed ~ 11.5MB / s, minimal assembly, no GUI (settings are in /system/usr/data/samba/smb.conf, login: admin, pass :admin) If you have a different workgroup name on the network on behalf of WORKGROUP, then go to /system/usr/data/samba/smb.conf and change the name in the line "workgroup = WORKGROUP" MSG is a very useful micro application for displaying dialog boxes and notifications from under the shell The autoframerate script and LED display scripts output toasts via MSG: Box loading (flashing LED to bootcomplete), temperature (t> 85 ° C - LED SOS flashing), pseudo-standby mode (located in the "New Launcher" lunar - red LED is on)
5. Added control of the aero mouse, here's a  If you have version 5.0 of the firmware, then you can flash without losing data - read ReadME.txt - it lies with the firmware in the archive